Wednesday, October 28, 2009

American Girl deal!

QVC has American girl dolls packaged at great prices!  I wish I could have posted this sooner as it looks like there is just the Kit doll and the Bitty Baby left.  If you can find the others on their website, let me know.

For Kit you get:

  1. Doll, book and accessories
  2. Extra outfit
  3. Scooter
  4. Pet dog, Grace

Price: $162+S&H
If you were to buy this at the American Girl store, it would be over $200 for everything.  An extra outfit alone can run from $22-$36!!  I thought this was a steal!

For Bitty Baby you get:

  1. Bitty Baby, plush bear, book
  2. Highchair
  3. Crib
  4. Playbox

Price: $143.50+S&H
Price for this at the store is around $185

Now I know you must be thinking "Why would I pay that for a doll?" Well, those of you who are familiar with American Girl, know that these dolls do NOT go on sale very often, if ever.  If this is on your little girl's Christmas list, this looks like a good time to act on it.

I wish I had acted sooner to get the Ruthie doll I saw on Sunday.  The only doll my daughter has is Kit!  I am going to keep an eye on QVC in case they have them again and I will keep my readers posted!

(Thanks Pam!)