Sunday, October 18, 2009

Because it's okay to take a break

I just wanted to make a point that sometimes it is okay to take a break.  I know we are in the middle of learning about the deals and how to utilize those coupons and sales, but remember it is okay to take a break from it.
This week I am not feeling it--I didn't even buy a paper this weekend!  We are pretty stocked up on most things that we need right now and I wasn't out to get a paper today and that is okay. Because you know what?  The deals will always come around again.  So keep that in mind as we start shopping in the next few weeks.  We are all busy and it is okay to take a break and not chase every deal (because sometimes it DOES feel like a "chase"!!)
I even went to the grocery store this week (for produce and milk) and didn't take ONE coupon!!!
Walgreens lesson coming tomorrow.....