Friday, October 9, 2009

Week 1 Lesson 3: Organizational methods

Today's lesson includes HOW to organize all those coupons!
There are two basic methods: clip or file.

  • Clipping the coupons includes clipping them all out and organizing them into a box, binder or envelopes.
  • Filing simply allows you to take the weekly coupon inserts, write the date on the front, and file it in a hanging file.

I do a combination of the two--

  1. I have a coupon binder where I file miscellaneous coupons or internet printables, store coupons, target coupons, mailers, etc.  I organize these by type of food or product.
  2. When I go to the store, I pull the coupons I need and place them in a small envelope with my grocery list on the outside!  Easy peasy!
  3. I also take the Sunday inserts and file them by date.  I would like to be able to clip them all and file them in my binder, but most weeks I don't have time for that!  Maybe one day!  For now, this works for me!

I want to refer you to a great video on how to organize your coupons.  Hip2save has a video blog (a vlog, if you will) that goes through how to set up a coupon binder and in her second vlog, she takes a shopping trip to Walmart to walk you through buying the pieces and the cost of the binder.  Watch her here.

I will try to get pictures of my binder, file and envelopes over the weekend, but for now Disney calls!